Real Housewives Teresa Giudice and Husband Joe Indicted on Additional Fraud Charges

Teresa And Joe Giudice Court Appearance

I am starting to think that the allure for reality TV may be wearing off for people who want to be stars. They are starting to realize that more infamy seems to come to reality TV stars than actual fame. A perfect example of this is Teresa Giudice and Joe, her husband. Not only were they initially brought in for fraud not to long ago, but now, they have been indicted on even more charges of fraud, and it is looking less and less like this story will have a happy ending for them. Could this be the death blow to reality TV? Only time will tell.

Yahoo has some more details on these new charges, but we can fill you in. The legal system recently obtained some info that a loan application they had filled out in 2005 for a new home was false, stating that Teresa Giudice was working as a Realtor at the time, which just was not the case. While this may sound like small fries compared to some other stuff they have pulled off, it brought their number of charges from 39 to 41. To put it in perspective, financially, just the charges from these two new counts of fraud could cost them an additional million dollars and thirty years n jail. On top of the fifty years they may already get for prior charges.

So you see, kids, next time you watch reality and see the big houses and fancy cars, realize, there may be some stuff going on beneath the surface that you want nothing to do with. It may look like the glamorous life, but as you can see from Teresa Giudice and her husband’s recent problems, it is anything but.

Photo by Kena Betancur/Getty Images
