Michaele Salahi of RHODC to pose nude in Playboy

White House party crasher Michaele Salahi, supposedly 44, is going to show off her starvation-maintained figure inside Playboy. Salahi, who claims to still have her natural boobs but to be open to plastic surgery, is going to go full frontal for the men’s magazine. I can’t imagine that there will be many people clamoring to see her naked. What is she known for other than being half of a scam artist team that weasled their way into the White House state dinner? Oh, there’s also that charity that she runs with her husband as a front for their shady business dealings.

Michaele Salahi is about to crash another party — the one in your pants — because TMZ has learned the “Real Housewives of D.C.” star is taking it all off for Playboy magazine.

And not just artsy “top half” naked — we’re talking full-frontal, birthday suit naked.

Salahi’s rep tells us the shoot will go down later this month — and Michaele is “very excited” about posing down.

We’re told Playboy honchos have not yet determined whether or not Salahi will get the cover … but she would “love it.”

[From TMZ]

This is somewhat better than putting out a sex tape Danielle Staub style, but it’s along the same lines. Salahi was called anorexic by another housewife on her show, which she claimed is untrue while admitting to a diet that consists of less than 900 calories a day. Here’s some validation for her starvation and whole fame-whoring existence in the pages of Playboy. I hope they’re not stupid enough to give her the cover, not that it means much lately. I didn’t know what the hell to say about this except to make fun of this woman, so I looked through the comments on HuffPo until I found some good ones. Here are my favorites:

I’d say this was a new low, but Playboy loves the notorious. Remember Darva Conger, Jessica Hahn, Rita Jenrette, Fannie Fox? I think the nadir was probably Faye Resnick, Nicole Brown Simpson’s “best friend”. Talk about cashing in on tragedy! – stagebandman

Playboy has added a 13th month to the calendar and Michaele Salahi gets to be Ms. Skanktember! Congratulations – prthatrocks

[From Huffington Post comments]

The last we heard about Michaele, her former personal assistant went on the record to tell Star Magazine what a slob her former employers were, describing their home as “almost like a hoarder’s house” with filth and papers laying all over. I guess she’s skanky in more ways than just the obvious.

Photo credit: In Touch Weekly

