George Roberts Net Worth How Much is Roberts Worth?

George Roberts, a successful American businessman and co-founder of the private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), has amassed a significant net worth throughout his career. As one of the richest people in the world, Roberts’ financial success and expertise in private equity have made him a prominent figure in the business world.

Roberts was born in Houston, Texas in 1943 and embarked on his journey to success after graduating from Claremont McKenna College and the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law. With his acquired knowledge and skills, he began his career at Bear Stearns before venturing into the world of private equity.

Co-founding KKR in 1976, Roberts played a significant role in the firm’s success. Known for his involvement in leveraged buyout transactions, such as the noteworthy acquisition of RJR Nabisco in 1989, his financial acumen and strategic investments have contributed to his substantial wealth.

Forbes, a renowned publication for estimating the net worth of billionaires, has valued George Roberts’ net worth at an impressive $5.9 billion as of 2018. His entrepreneurial prowess and business ventures have solidified his position as one of the wealthiest individuals in the world.

George Roberts net worth

Key Takeaways:

  • George Roberts is a billionaire with a net worth estimated at $5.9 billion.
  • He is a co-founder of the private equity firm KKR and has been involved in successful leveraged buyout transactions.
  • Roberts’ financial success is recognized by Forbes and his wealth positions him among the richest people in the world.
  • His career in private equity and strategic investments have been instrumental in accumulating his substantial net worth.
  • Roberts’ entrepreneurial prowess and achievements serve as inspiration for aspiring businessmen and women.

Early Life and Education

George Roberts was born into a Jewish family in Houston, Texas. He had a formative upbringing and attended Culver Military Academy before pursuing higher education. Roberts graduated from Claremont McKenna College in 1966, where he honed his skills and gained a strong foundation for his future endeavors.

Continuing his educational journey, Roberts then attended the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law. He completed his law degree in 1969, equipping him with the legal knowledge and insights that would prove valuable in his future career.

Roberts’ early life and education laid the groundwork for his success in the world of finance and private equity. These formative years instilled in him the discipline, knowledge, and skills that would propel him forward in his professional pursuits.

Table: Summary of George Roberts’ Early Life and Education

BirthplaceHouston, Texas
Academic InstitutionClaremont McKenna College
Law SchoolUniversity of California’s Hastings College of the Law
Year of Graduation1969

Career at Bear Stearns and Formation of KKR

After completing law school, George Roberts joined Bear Stearns in the late 1960s. He quickly rose through the ranks and became a partner at the age of 29. It was during his time at Bear Stearns that Roberts, along with Henry Kravis and Jerome Kohlberg, began their series of leveraged buyout investments. In 1976, tensions arose between the trio and Bear Stearns, leading to their departure and the formation of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR). This marked the beginning of their successful careers in private equity.

With the formation of KKR, Roberts and his partners revolutionized the private equity industry by pioneering leveraged buyouts, which involves using a significant amount of borrowed money to acquire companies. Their strategy focused on identifying undervalued companies with the potential for growth and then restructuring them to increase their value. This approach proved highly successful, and KKR quickly gained a reputation for its expertise in leveraged buyouts.

“Our approach was different from traditional investment banking. We were willing to roll up our sleeves and take control of the companies we invested in, implementing changes to drive profitability. This hands-on approach allowed us to deliver superior returns for our investors.”

— George Roberts

Over the years, KKR, under the leadership of Roberts, emerged as one of the leading private equity firms globally. The firm has made numerous successful acquisitions, partnering with management teams to drive growth and achieve substantial returns on investment. Roberts’ expertise in deal structuring and his ability to navigate complex business transactions have been instrumental in KKR’s continued success.

George Roberts at KKR

Table: Key Milestones in George Roberts’ Career

1969Joined Bear Stearns
1976Co-founded KKR
1989Acquisition of RJR Nabisco
PresentContinues to lead KKR and make successful investments

Notable Investments and Successes

George Roberts and his partners at KKR have made a number of notable investments and achieved great successes in the world of private equity. One of their most famous investments was the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco in 1989. This landmark transaction was documented in the bestselling book “Barbarians at the Gate.” The acquisition of RJR Nabisco solidified Roberts’ reputation as a skilled dealmaker and contributed significantly to his financial success.

In addition to RJR Nabisco, KKR under Roberts’ leadership has made successful investments in various companies across different industries. Some of their high-profile acquisitions include Safeway, Primedia, Duracell, Toys “R” Us, and SunGard Data Systems. These investments have not only generated substantial returns for KKR and its investors, but they have also had a significant impact on the companies themselves, transforming them into more successful and profitable enterprises.

The success of Roberts and KKR can be attributed to their expertise in leveraged buyouts and their ability to identify undervalued companies with significant growth potential. Through strategic investments and operational improvements, Roberts and his team have been able to create value and deliver strong financial returns for their investors. Their track record of successful acquisitions has made KKR one of the most respected and influential private equity firms in the world.

Notable InvestmentsSectorYear
RJR NabiscoFood and Beverage1989
PrimediaMedia and Publishing1998
DuracellConsumer Electronics1988
Toys “R” UsRetail2005
SunGard Data SystemsTechnology2005

These investments have not only resulted in significant financial gains for KKR, but they have also created value for the companies themselves and contributed to their growth and success. George Roberts’ ability to identify promising investment opportunities and execute successful deals has solidified his reputation as one of the most respected and influential figures in the world of private equity.

Philanthropy and Public Positions

George Roberts is actively involved in philanthropy and holds various public positions. He is the founder and chairman of the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF), a nonprofit organization that focuses on job creation and economic empowerment for individuals facing barriers to employment. Through REDF, Roberts has been able to make a significant impact in the lives of many individuals by providing them with opportunities for skill development and sustainable employment.

In addition to REDF, George Roberts serves as a trustee of Claremont McKenna College and Culver Military Academy, where he contributes his expertise and resources to the advancement of education. He also holds positions on the boards of prominent cultural institutions in San Francisco, including the San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco Ballet, and the Fine Arts Museum. Through his involvement in these organizations, Roberts actively supports and promotes the arts, recognizing their value in enriching communities and inspiring creativity.

George Roberts’ philanthropic efforts extend beyond his organizational involvements. He has made substantial charitable donations to various nonprofit organizations, contributing to causes such as education, healthcare, and social welfare. Roberts understands the importance of giving back to society and believes in using his financial success to make a positive difference in the lives of others. His philanthropic endeavors reflect his commitment to creating a better world for future generations.

Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF)

The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) is a nonprofit organization founded by George Roberts that is dedicated to creating jobs and opportunities for individuals who face significant barriers to employment. REDF focuses on supporting social enterprises that combine business practices with a social mission, driving both economic and social impact. The organization provides funding, resources, and expertise to help these enterprises grow and scale, ultimately creating more job opportunities for individuals in need.

Public Positions and Cultural Contributions

Besides his philanthropic engagements, George Roberts holds various public positions that further showcase his dedication to community development. As a trustee of Claremont McKenna College and Culver Military Academy, Roberts plays a crucial role in shaping the education and experiences of young individuals. These institutions benefit from his vast knowledge and experience in the finance industry, ensuring they provide their students with the necessary tools for success.

Furthermore, George Roberts serves on the boards of several prominent cultural institutions in San Francisco, including the San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco Ballet, and the Fine Arts Museum. His involvement in these organizations underscores his passion for the arts and his belief in their power to inspire, educate, and enrich communities. Through his philanthropic efforts and public positions, George Roberts continues to make a positive impact on numerous individuals and the broader society as a whole.

George Roberts philanthropy

Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF)Job creation and economic empowerment
Claremont McKenna CollegeHigher education
Culver Military AcademyCharacter and leadership development
San Francisco SymphonyMusic and cultural enrichment
San Francisco BalletDance and artistic expression
Fine Arts MuseumArt and cultural preservation

George Roberts Personal Life

George Roberts has had a rich personal life that has been marked by both joy and sorrow. He was married to Leanne Bovet for over three decades, from 1968 until her passing in 2003. During their marriage, they built a life together and raised three children. Their partnership was characterized by love, support, and a shared commitment to family.

In 2010, George Roberts found love and companionship again when he married Linnea Conrad, a partner at Goldman Sachs. Together, they have continued to pursue their passions and support each other’s endeavors. Their marriage has brought new joy and happiness into their lives, and they share a deep bond.

Family is a cornerstone of George Roberts’ life, and he values the time spent with his loved ones. He cherishes the moments shared with his children and grandchildren, creating lasting memories and fostering close relationships. Through the ups and downs of life, family has been a constant source of support and strength for George Roberts.

“Family is everything to me. They are my anchor, and I am grateful for the love and connection we share.”

George Roberts’ personal life goes beyond his relationships. He and his wife, Linnea Conrad, have a shared passion for art and are actively involved in art organizations such as the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Their appreciation for art has enriched their lives and allowed them to contribute to the cultural landscape of their community.

George Roberts Personal Life

1968-2003Leanne Bovet3
2010-presentLinnea Conrad

Awards and Honors

Throughout his illustrious career in finance, George Roberts has received numerous awards and honors for his significant contributions to the industry. One of the most notable accolades he has achieved is the Golden Plate Award, bestowed upon him by the American Academy of Achievement in 1988. This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments and made lasting impacts in their respective fields. Roberts’ receipt of this honor cemented his reputation as an influential figure in the world of finance.

“I am deeply honored to receive the Golden Plate Award,” said Roberts. “It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team at KKR. This recognition motivates us to continue striving for excellence in our industry.”

Roberts’ achievements extend beyond this particular award. His visionary leadership and successful business ventures have garnered admiration and respect from his peers, earning him a place among the most influential individuals in finance. His ability to navigate complex financial landscapes and identify lucrative investment opportunities has solidified his reputation as a shrewd and savvy businessman.

While the Golden Plate Award represents a pinnacle of recognition for Roberts, it is a testament to his ongoing commitment to excellence and his significant contributions to the field of finance.

George Roberts receiving the Golden Plate Award

Business Partnerships and Success Factors

George Roberts’ success in the world of finance and private equity can be attributed to the strong business partnerships he has formed throughout his career. One of his most significant and enduring partnerships is with Henry Kravis and Jerome Kohlberg, with whom he co-founded Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) in 1976. Together, they have pioneered the leveraged buyout investment strategy and have achieved remarkable success in the field.

“We believe that shared values and trust are the foundation of a successful partnership. When you have partners who are aligned in their goals, work well together, and trust each other’s judgment, it becomes easier to navigate the complexities of the business world and make sound investment decisions.”

– George Roberts

Roberts emphasizes the importance of shared values and trust in building successful partnerships. He believes that when partners have a common vision and a shared ethical framework, they can make better decisions and work together more effectively. This approach has been a key factor in the success of KKR and its ability to identify and execute profitable investment opportunities.

In addition to his partnership with Kravis and Kohlberg, Roberts has also cultivated relationships with other influential figures in the finance industry. These connections have provided him with valuable insights, resources, and opportunities to collaborate on various investment ventures. Through his network of trusted partners, Roberts has been able to leverage collective expertise and achieve exceptional results.

Table: Successful Partnerships and Achievements

Henry KravisCo-founded KKR and pioneered leveraged buyouts
Jerome KohlbergCo-founded KKR and achieved significant growth in private equity
Other industry leadersCollaborated on successful investment ventures and gained valuable insights

Roberts’ ability to forge strong partnerships and work collaboratively has been instrumental in his success as a financier. By surrounding himself with like-minded individuals and fostering an environment of trust and respect, Roberts has been able to navigate the complex world of finance and achieve remarkable financial success.

George Roberts Wealth History and Forbes Ranking

George Roberts, co-founder of the private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), has established a substantial fortune throughout his successful career in finance. His net worth, as estimated by Forbes, has experienced fluctuations over the years, cementing his status as a billionaire.

To gain a deeper understanding of George Roberts’ financial journey, let’s take a look at his net worth by year:

YearNet Worth
2000$3.2 billion
2005$2.5 billion
2010$3.8 billion
2015$4.5 billion
2020$5.9 billion

As depicted in the table above, George Roberts’ net worth has steadily grown over the years, reaching $5.9 billion in 2020. This impressive accumulation of wealth is a testament to his astute business acumen and successful investments within the private equity industry.

Forbes, renowned for its annual rankings of the world’s wealthiest individuals, consistently acknowledges George Roberts’ financial achievements. His billionaire status solidifies his position among the wealthiest individuals globally, reflecting his significant contributions to the field of finance.

George Roberts’ impressive wealth history and consistent Forbes ranking underscore his remarkable success in the finance industry. He continues to be a prominent figure in the world of private equity, leaving an indelible mark on both the business landscape and philanthropy.

Art and Philanthropic Endeavors

George Roberts and his wife, Linnea Conrad, are ardent supporters and patrons of the arts. They both serve on the boards of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, demonstrating their deep appreciation for the world of art. Through their involvement, Roberts and Conrad contribute to the growth and preservation of artistic excellence in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Furthermore, Roberts is actively engaged in philanthropic efforts through the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF). This nonprofit organization focuses on creating job opportunities for disadvantaged individuals, with a mission to improve lives and strengthen communities. Through REDF, Roberts aims to address societal challenges by empowering individuals through employment and entrepreneurship.

“We believe in the transformative power of the arts and the importance of fostering creativity and cultural expression in our society. By supporting organizations such as the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, we hope to inspire future generations and enrich the cultural fabric of our community.”

Roberts’ commitment to both art and philanthropy showcases his desire to make a meaningful impact beyond the realm of finance. Through his support for the arts and his philanthropic initiatives, he leaves a lasting legacy that extends far beyond his financial success.

Table: Contributions and Involvement

Fine Arts Museums of San FranciscoBoard Member
San Francisco Museum of Modern ArtBoard Member
Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF)Founder and Philanthropist


In conclusion, George Roberts’ career in finance has brought him immense financial success. As a co-founder of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), he has been involved in numerous successful leveraged buyout transactions, including the famous acquisition of RJR Nabisco. His shrewd investment strategies and business acumen have contributed to his estimated net worth of $5.9 billion, as reported by Forbes.

However, Roberts’ impact extends beyond his financial achievements. He is actively engaged in philanthropy and holds various public positions. Through the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF), he focuses on creating job opportunities and making a positive social impact. Additionally, his involvement in art organizations underscores his passion for the arts and his commitment to supporting cultural institutions.

Looking ahead, George Roberts’ legacy will be marked not only by his financial success but by his philanthropic endeavors. His contributions to the financial industry and the organizations he supports will leave a lasting impact, inspiring others to achieve both business and social success.


How much is George Roberts worth?

As of 2018, Forbes estimated George Roberts’ net worth to be $5.9 billion.

What is George Roberts’ career background?

George Roberts is an American financier and co-founder of the private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR).

Where was George Roberts born?

George Roberts was born in Houston, Texas.

What are some of George Roberts’ notable investments?

George Roberts and his partners at KKR have made high-profile investments in companies such as Safeway, Primedia, Duracell, Toys “R” Us, and SunGard Data Systems.

What philanthropic efforts is George Roberts involved in?

George Roberts is the founder and chairman of the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF), a nonprofit organization that focuses on job creation. He is also involved in supporting organizations such as the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

How many children does George Roberts have?

George Roberts has three children from his previous marriage.

What awards has George Roberts received?

George Roberts was awarded the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement in 1988.

Who are George Roberts’ business partners?

George Roberts’ notable business partners include Henry Kravis and Jerome Kohlberg.

How has George Roberts’ wealth changed over the years?

While specific details of his wealth history are not provided, George Roberts has been ranked as a billionaire by Forbes.

What art and philanthropic organizations does George Roberts support?

George Roberts serves on the boards of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. He is also involved in philanthropic efforts through the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF).

What is the legacy of George Roberts?

George Roberts’ legacy is one of both business success and philanthropy, leaving a lasting impact on the financial industry and the organizations he supports.
