Disney accused of bad taste over Carib cannibals in pirate movie

The filmmaker Disney has angered the chief of a tribe of Carib Indians over plans to portray his forbears as savage cannibals in a sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean.

Work on the film, which will see Johnny Depp reprise his role as a pirate along with a guest appearance by the Rolling Stone Keith Richards as his father, is expected to begin next month on the island of Dominica.

However, the chief of the former British colony's Carib community has demanded that the script be rewritten to show the Caribbean's indigenous inhabitants in a more positive light. The Caribs – the warlike people who dominated much of the eastern Caribbean before the arrival of the Europeans – have long denied that their ancestors practised cannibalism.

The accusation first surfaced when, upon landing in Guadeloupe and entering a nearby Carib village, Columbus's crew inspected the contents of a bubbling cauldron and made a grisly discovery.

Charles Williams, the chief of Dominica's 3,000 Caribs - the last remaining community in the Caribbean – claimed that recent discussions with Disney executives had disclosed "that there is a strong element of cannibalism in the script which cannot be removed".

Mr Williams added: "Our ancestors stood up against early European conquerors and because they stood up… we were labelled savages and cannibals up to today. This cannot be perpetuated in the movies," he said.

Disney, whose output has long toed a progressive line in matters of political correctness, has not commented on the row.

The government of Dominica has said the producers plan to film for six to eight weeks on the island. Several hundred Dominicans from the island's 70,000 population have applied to be extras, including some Caribs.

The Dominican government has been doing everything possible to secure the filming and believes it will boost its economy significantly.

Leaving aside the delicate issue of dietary requirements, the consensus among historians is that while the Caribs were fierce pirates, far from being savages, they were accomplished seafarers who roamed the Caribbean in huge dug-out canoes.

Most of them were killed by disease and war during the colonisation of the Caribbean in the 17th century.

Mr Williams said he had received support from other indigenous groups around the world but admitted that some of Dominica's Caribs, including members of his own council, did not share his stance. He said the latter did not "understand our history", adding: "They are weak and are not committed to the cause of the Carib people."

The first Pirates of the Caribbean film, The Curse of the Black Pearl, took $305 million (£160 million) at the American box office, making it the second highest grossing film in 2003.

The new film, Dead Man's Chest, will also star the British actors Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and Mackenzie Crook, who appeared in the original.

Depp reportedly based his character, the mercurial Capt Jack Sparrow, on Keith Richards and is credited with persuading the guitarist to join the cast for the new film.
