Did Julianne Moore save Annette Bening & Warren Beattys marriage?


Last year, stories about the marriage trouble of Annette Bening and Warren Beatty began appearing in The National Enquirer. I tended to believe what little I read about the situation, thinking that The Enquirer was likely paying some well-placed sources for their information. The stories were less about Annette and Warren’s marriage and more about how their oldest daughter, Kathlyn, was planning on becoming (or perhaps already became, I don‘t know) a man. Kathlyn even asked to be called Stephen Ira. The sources had Annette being a supportive mother, while Warren seemed to be having real difficulties with the situation. The situation put a strain on their marriage… to the point that when Annette was promoting The Kids Are All Right, her publicist informed all journalists that Annette would not be answering any personal questions. I think this is also why Annette has been keeping a low-profile during the awards season too – she simply does not want to talk about what’s going on in her family. Anyway, The Enquirer has a story in this week’s issue, all about how Julianne Moore has helped bring Warren and Annette back together:

The battling Beattys began drifting apart under the pressure of 73-year-old Warren’s fading career and their daughter Kathlyn’s shocking announcement that she wanted a sex change, sources say. When Annette confided her problems to Julianne Moore, Julianne stepped up.

“Julianne became Annette and Warren’s unlikely family therapist,” an inside source told The Enquirer. “She reminded Annette that she could weather any storm with Warren because of their love and commitment. Julianne spent time with the entire Beatty family before the premiere of The Kids are All Right, and when she got Warren alone, she worked on him too.”

At that point, Annette and Warren were fighting so much over Kathlyn and Annette‘s career successes, they were even sleeping in separate bedrooms. But “Julianne bluntly told Warren that he needed to rein in his ego over Annette’s success… as for Kathlyn, she told Warren ‘God doesn’t make mistakes.’ Now thanks to Julianne’s counseling, Warren has realized that he needs to gracefully let Annette have her moment in the sun.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition]

Eh. While I don’t doubt that Julianne probably offered advice and acting as a sounding board to Annette, I doubt Julianne would push her nose up into Warren’s bidness. I even doubt how truly damaged Warren and Annette’s marriage really was – I bet there were fights, sure, but do I think that it was anything earth-shattering? Probably not.

But I do buy that Annette and Julianne and tight. I want them to be tight. I want them to be older, wiser, hipster girlfriends, you know?



Photos courtesy of WENN.
