Dance Moms Recap and Review The Great Divide Season 5 Episode 9

Dance Moms Recap and Review "The Great Divide" - Season 5 Episode 9

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday March 3, season 5 episode 9 called, “The Great Divide,” and we have your weekly recap and review below. On tonight’s episode, it’s the ALDC’s first week back in Pittsburgh and the pressure is on to win after the girls’ lackluster showing in Los Angeles.

On the last episode, the ALDC’s last week in Los Angeles continued with the girls juggling a competition and a music video shoot with kid rapper MattyB. But when Abby couldn’t see eye to eye with his manager she tried to shut the shoot down, driving a wedge between the mothers who stay loyal to Abby and those who do not. To make matters worse, Abby announced she was cutting one dancer, causing the Moms to fight tooth and nail to secure their daughters’ spots on the team. Amidst all the chaos, it’s the girls’ last chance to pull off a win against the best of the best in LA, all without Abby’s favorite dancer, Maddie. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “it’s the ALDC’s first week back in Pittsburgh and the pressure is on to win after the girls’ lackluster showing in Los Angeles. There is division amongst the moms based on who stayed to film the MattyB music video and who left. In true Abby fashion, the group dance is a personal attack against the mothers. Making matters worse, Abby discovers the team is in the teen division and one older member must sit out, sparking even more controversy amongst the team.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 5 episode 9 – tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts now. They’re all back in Pittsburgh. Holly says LA was a success but doesn’t like Abby’s reaction to the Aubrey O’Day situation. Holly says they have to draw the line on who’s Team Abby and who’s not. Jill is nervous about pyramid and is worried how the other moms will treat her. Jessalynn is there too. Jill says the moms are divided. Jess, Kira and Holly stayed at the video and she and Melissa left the shoot to support Abby.

Melissa says she was happy with LA and got good feedback from Maddie’s time there and Mackenzie says she got a singing gig in New York. Abby calls them in for pyramid. She says they came back from LA because they’re not ready and needed to regroup. She says they had a duet and group that placed and a duet and group that didn’t place.

Abby says no one won big and says this won’t cut it. She says she won’t take them back to LA until they prove they’re a team of winners. Abby tells Maddie she was on Austin and Ally. Jill says maybe next time there can be opportunities for all of the girls not just Maddie and Mackenzie. Jill says Maddie and Mackenzie deserve what they’ve gotten but wants Kendall to have something.

Abby says they have to have a swing to fill in when the other girls have projects. She says she wished Brynn could be there. Abby has Maddie at the bottom because she didn’t participate with the group. Next is JoJo. Abby says JoJo has technical issues and fumbled through steps. Next is Nia. She says she had technical issues on jumps and with her feet.

Next is Kalani whose duet didn’t place. Kendall is next and Abby says her one number should have been perfect but it wasn’t. Mackenzie is next and Abby says she never missed a beat. At the top is Maddie. She says Maddie is on top for representing ALDC amazingly. Kalani says the pyramid should just all be Maddie. The next competition is more challenging because teen starts at 12.

Jill says they really only have two teens – Kalani and Nia. Holly says it’s not right that they age out. Abby says she gets that and Abby says teen levels are too challenging and they pull the average age up. Abby says there will be three solos and one group routine. Kalani gets a solo called Pretty Little Liar. Abby says she doesn’t want her to follow her mother’s footsteps.

Abby gives a solo to Kendall that’s a blues number. Jill thinks it’s because she was loyal to Abby. Nia gets the last solo called The Golden Rule. She tells Nia that in Hollywood there are rules, ethics and loyalty. The group routine is called Dominoes. She says everything on the team is like the domino effect with the moms. Abby asks if they’ll all fall down or someone will be left standing.

Two days before the competition, Holly says she didn’t like pyramid but Melissa, of course, did. Holly says Nia was the only team member that stayed and that Abby is acting like it doesn’t exist. Jill says Abby made it clear she wanted them to leave and says they have to respect what their dance teacher wants. Holly says Abby is a master manipulator setting up the dominoes.

Abby coaches the girls on their group number and tells them to act deceitful like the people who are acting like that behind Abby’s back. Abby says she thinks that she feels like the moms are being sneaky. She mentions Holly calling her friend Aubrey behind her back. Jill says she thought they should leave the MattyB video when Abby told them to. Jill says Holly made her choice.

Jill says Abby wants them to be quiet good Dance Moms so she doesn’t take out anything she says on Kendall. Jill says Abby doesn’t forgive or forget and will pay her back. Abby talks about the ugly gossip about Kira she heard about credit card fraud and arrest. Abby says she wonders what else Kira is keeping from her. She rehearses Kalani’s solo as she thinks about this.

Melissa says the choreography is great on Kalani’s solo. Kira says she doesn’t mind Abby making fun on her with the solo as long as she gives her a good one. Abby tells Kira she has to win this one. Nia’s solo is next. Abby is checking her phone and Holly tells the others that Abby is not giving her any notes like she did with Kalani. Holly says Abby is punishing her to get to her.

Holly tells the other moms she did nothing wrong and Jill says none of them did. Jill thinks Holly is on her high horse because she doesn’t understand other things that are going on. Holly says the other moms don’t have her back and Jill says they do. Jill says she was proud of Holly for standing her ground but wasn’t going to do it herself. Holly says none of them said anything to Abby.

Holly gets annoyed and Jill says when Holly didn’t show up, she texted and calls her. Holly says Jill is a coward for not backing her up to Abby and only doing it in secret. Jill says Holly needs to figure out how this team works. Kendall’s solo rehearsal is next and Abby says Kendall is getting more opportunities because Jill is behaving and she appreciates it.

Abby says Kendall could be a big star but better start winning. Jill talks to the other moms about Holly and says they all could have that fight with Abby but says Holly doesn’t respect her choice not to fight with Abby and says Holly’s actions affect Nia. Holly says she needed to go home and reflect and says she has to understand that not everyone has her code of ethics.

She says she has to alter her expectations so she’s not hurt. Holly says if Jill is afraid of Abby, she understands that. Jill asks what did she expect and Holly says she thought she should tell Abby to stop. Jessalynn says it sounds like Jill thinks her relationship with Abby is more important than her friendship with them. Jill says that was a battle Holly chose and she chose not to get into it with Abby.

Jessalynn says Holly is making this very black and white and Jessalynn says Jill is made because she lets Abby run her life and is too scared to say anything. Holly says they’re not the domino effect and it’s more of Abby’s actions that cause the domino effect. Abby coaches the group number and isn’t happy. She says they do not look like a winning team and if they are going into the teen division she has to make a difficult decision.

Abby thinks about the ages and Holly says she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. Abby comes up to talk to the moms and says they can’t compete team. She says Kalani is pulling the age up so she’s pulling her out of the group dance. At 14, she’s the oldest. Abby says she brought her in to be her big 13 and older winner and says maybe she can focus on the solo and get a win. Kira says Kalani loved this dance and Abby says Kalani will get to watch it.

Jessalynn says you should stick up for your kid and says Kira just sat there and took it. It’s competition day at World-Class Talent Experience. Abby says the moms were so focused on making their kids stars, they forgot that dancing and winning competitions was what put them on the map. Abby says if they don’t remember that, it will only be Maddie that’s a star. Kira says she’s going to let Kalani focus on her solo and not talk to Abby about it now.

Jill tells her she needs to fight for Kalani and says it would be nice to see her sweat a little. Jess says she can’t be upset to speak up to Abby. She says Jill and Melissa didn’t stick up for their kids at the video. Holly says her life doesn’t hinge on Abby. Jess says mom trumps manager no matter what. Jill says Holly didn’t want to have anything to do with Jess and now is teaming up with her against the others.

Abby tells the girls to take it all to the stage and do their best and win this. Abby greets her fans then takes her seat. Kalani is really worried about getting a win today. She’s up as the first ALDC soloist. Kira says it’s important that does a perfect performance and take a first overall. Abby records her dance and seems to smile. Abby says it was flawless and said she should have a win and Kendall will have tough competition.

Abby says she appreciates Jill being loyal in LA but says if Kendall doesn’t win, it won’t matter. Jill says Kendall looked amazing and says Holly doesn’t understand that if you keep your mouth shut, your kid gets a good solo and lots of attention. Nia is worried about her solo because she says Abby didn’t give her a lot of attention to prepare for this.

Hers, to me, looks jerky and not as polished as the other two girls. Holly says Nia was fabulous despite Abby stacking the cards against her. The girls ask to hear the song Nia recorded in LA. Kalani plays it and they dance around. Nia says Aubrey was great and so positive. Nia says she wishes Abby was as supportive as the other girls are.

Abby says she wants her to dress and put on the costume even though she’s not dancing. Jill tells Kalani that her mom could change her mind. Kalani thinks Jill is trying to get her mom to start a fight with Abby and says that the group would be happier if they would stop that. Abby says if they can’t win in New Jersey, they can never win in LA.

It’s time for the group number. Kalani stands in the wings and watches. Abby says she blames the moms for their losses in LA for all their backstabbing and antics. The group number looks good but JoJo was a beat behind here and there. At the awards, Kendall takes a 5th place. Jill says she could tell Kendall felt good about herself and says it was a good day no matter where she placed. 1st place goes to Kalani. Nia didn’t place at all.

Kira says Abby knows what she’s doing and she hopes the other moms will leave her alone since Kalani took first. The group number takes first place. Kalani asks if she should go and Abby nods and tells her to go on. Abby says she’s glad she stuck to her guns and left them in the junior division. She says they’re not ready to go back to LA yet but it’s better.

Holly talks to Nia and says it was not her week to place in the top five but needs to work on her craft to get to perform at nationals. Abby gives Kalani a huge hug for her first place. Jill says they seemed to like them here better than they did in LA. Abby congratulates the girls and leaves. Melissa says she’s glad they won even though the moms aren’t happy.

Holly complains that Nia wasn’t allowed to go up with the group and Jess says Abby called her a greedy little monster for wanting to touch a costume. Kira says Kalani asked Abby and she told her to go. Jill rants and says it’s all about Kalani and says she didn’t win, the other kids did. Jill says she should have told her kid to sit and says she wants to have her cake and eat it too. Jill rants and Kira says when they left the video shoot they listened to Abby and that Jill is being pathetic.


