10 Reasons Why We Love Niall Horan

When asked why we love Irish pop star Niall Horan, many different thoughts come to mind. He’s caring, honest, loving and attractive… what more could we ask for?

Just in case you needed one more reason to love Niall, we decided to gather up 10 of the reasons why we love him and list them here. Keep reading and by the end, you will have enough love to rescue a puppy from a shelter!

10. He is a killer guitar player

Besides being the only Irish member, and the only member with blonde hair, Niall is known as being the member of One Direction who plays an instrument on stage. His guitar playing makes up beyond happy knowing that he is doing what he loves.

9. He is a supportive friend

If you happen to be friends with Niall Horan himself, there’s no need to worry about what he will think when making an important decision because you know he will support you no matter what! Niall is very supportive and appreciative of who is in his life and we can’t help but admire him for that.

8. He has a passion for listening to music

When it comes to concerts, Niall is just like us. He will even post about the show on his social media! Besides concerts, Niall also Tweets about music and lets the world know when new music that he likes has been released. With new suggestions coming from him, we can never run out of music to listen to.

7. He has the most amazing laugh ever

Niall is constantly laughing which then makes us feel the need to laugh. It’s pretty safe to say that it would be near impossible to find an interview or concert where you don’t hear the distinguished laugh of this Irish man. It truly is a beautiful thing.

6. He is very passionate about sports

Golf, derby, and boxing seem to be big hits amongst Niall’s interests. If he doesn’t have a show to perform at, you could find him in the audience of a sporting event or even playing a sport! Although it may not be his career, it’s clear that sports are a big part of Niall’s life.

5. He has a voice from heaven

There is absolutely no denying that Niall has a beautiful voice. We mean, how else could he be performing at sold out stadiums around the world? His voice is so smooth and so enchanting, we want him to sing us to sleep. Now be right back while we listen to his solo in “18” on repeat.

4. He is protective over his fans

Do you have something to say about 1D fans? Make sure you run it through Mr. Horan first or things might get out of hand. Niall has always been there for his fans and recently proved just how much he cares a few months ago by standing up for them against some paparazzi’s.

3. He really just does not care what people think

Perhaps the biggest controversy in 2015 surrounding Niall was about his hat. He has this hat that many people disliked and would continuously be told how it was “ugly”, or that he should “throw it out” however he never did. The hat made him happy and he continued to wear it for himself. This shows a lot about his character and we always love someone who’s confident!

2. He’s Irish and proud of it

One Direction was formed on the X-Factor in the UK, so it would be easy to assume that all the members are British. However, before you make that assumption you might want to do some research. Niall is Irish and he wants to make sure that you know it. We love how proud he is of where he comes from!

1. He constantly reminds us that One Direction is here to stay

Niall has Tweeted and talked in interviews on multiple occasions about the future of One Direction. Not once has it ever ended in “the hiatus is forever.” He has made it clear that One Direction is here to stay and that a little break doesn’t mean the end. If fans ever have any doubts, they can turn straight to Niall and be reminded that there is no need to worry. He’s the go-to man with the future of One Direction and there isn’t anyone better for that job!

Sadly, we didn’t have the room to post every single reason there is in the world to love Niall, but if your favorite reason didn’t make the list don’t worry! You can comment below or tweet us to let us know what yours is at either @CelebMix or @CelebMix1D
